Lauren Caldarera
April, 2006
I graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio with a BA in Anthropology. Moved to New York for a tragic stint as a teacher. Moved to Seattle and did 2 years of AmeriCorps in the greatest area of the US. Then moved to Eugene, OR for graduate school at the University of Oregon. Graduated in June with my Masters in Public Administration and Certificate in Nonprofit Management.
Now I work at Clark Community College in Vancouver, WA (that's not B.C.) as the Service-Learning Program Manager. That means I help faculty members integrate community service into their courses to give students a more hands-on learning experience. Just in case you were curious.
I live in Portland, OR in a super tiny house that was built in 1895. Despite the age, there are no ghosts.
I live with my boyfriend Louis. Louis is the best. We met in graduate school and now he works for Oregon State Department of Human Services.
Currently driving? I drive a Suburu Outback Impreza. You're not cool in the Northwest unless you drive a Sub.
Personal appearance: I finally cut the dread locks about 4 years ago. So now I just have curly brown hair-par my life. Piercings the same old ones. No tattoos.
Ever think about the Hebrew Academy? I think about friends most often. Less occasionally, I think about the ridiculous, so called teachers that tried to shape my life. Ugh!
In retrospect, glad you went there? Of course.
When was the last time you read your yearbook? I can't remember.
If you have a spouse or significant other, would you hide the yearbook or show it to them? I would show it. It's good times.
Where do you see yourself in another 10 years? Hmm...I have no clue. I would have never guessed 10 years ago that I would be here.
Anything else to say?I hope everyone is doing well.
Email: lcaldare at hotmail dot com
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